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October 7, 2009
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Michael Scott, Robert Lowell, Anthony Costello, Matt Kennedy and Ken Strom.

Members Absent: none

Staff Present: Dan Hazen, Teresa McIntyre

Others: D. Faist, D. Sadowski, A. Kendall, D. Stauffer, P. McManus, M. Donahue, G. Kiritsy, and J. Blair.

The meeting began at 7:00 PM

NOTICE OF INTENT – Winterberry Hollow- M. Donahue, representing the applicant, reiterated a brief synopsis of the project to date. He continued with dialogue concerning DEP’s decision regarding grandfathering, the 2008 Stormwater Regulations, and the delineation of Zone A, and issues raised by the March 2009 letter from Graves Engineering. Extensive discussion continued between the Commission and M. Donahue regarding these items.

The floor was then opened to questions or comments from the public.  A resident questioned the Commission’s need to agree with DEP’s use of a 2008 map and felt that the project needed more review.

With no further questions or comments, the Chairman stated that the Commission would wait to hear from DEP as to what was discussed regarding their interpretation of the project.  

K. Strom made a motion to continue the hearing until the next meeting on November 4, 2009.  M. Scott seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT - 109 Arizona Ave Lots 1 & 2 – Applicant presented plans with the changes requested by the Conservation Commission.  The updated plans show the culvert crossing to be three-sided, arched and made of corrugated metal.  The sewer line has been replaced with seamless coil pipe.  The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program determined that the project would not impact the endangered species habitat. With no more comments from the Commission, the floor was opened to the public for comments or questions.  With no further comments, A. Costello made a motion to close the hearing.  R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.  M. Scott made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions.  K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – Lots 1 - 4 - Mark Circle – Applicant has requested Certificates of Compliances for Lots 1 – 4.  The applicant’s representative informed the Commission regarding the status of the Lots. The owner of Lot 3 addressed the Commission and expressed his objection to the use of large boulders to demarcate the no disturb zone and presented a proposal to compensate for the encroachment into the no-disturb zone by offering the preservation of another area on the lot. This statement was followed by a discussion regarding other options of demarcation.  As a result of this discussion, it was agreed by both the owner and the Commission, that the owner may place the boulders every 6 ft, beyond the no-disturb line into the brush area where the boulders would be more aesthetically pleasing.  He also was permitted to leave the stones and mulch that currently exist in the no-disturb zone.   In addition, the Commission also accepted the proposal for the preservation of other areas on Lots 3 & 4 in lieu of the no-disturb areas that have been intruded upon.  Next topic discussed was the status of Lots 1 & 2.  Following this discussion, the Committee agreed to continue the hearing until the next meeting on November 4, 2009.

ALDEN WOOD SWALE Discussion – D. Hazen read aloud a letter addressed to C.B. Blair Development Corporation concerning current options available for rectifying the easement issues.  J. Blair led to a discussion regarding the current drainage situation and his proposal to meet the Commission’s request for calculations for the basin using old Stormwater Management regulations.  Hearing continued until next meeting of November 4, 2009

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – Lot 14 & 26 – Wagner Meadows – The Commission was informed by P. Harding through an update, that the Developer has not been maintaining the easement surrounding the perimeter of the detention pond located on Lots 14 and 26.  No Certificate of Compliance was issued.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – Surrey Lane Extension – Hearing continued until next meeting.  The Conservation Commission is waiting for the Town’s review of the as-builts.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – M. Scott made a motion to approved the Minutes of September 2, 2009, with the addition of the statement, “between the walls (the lateral lines), be replaced with a solid pipe” concerning the Oaks of Holden retaining wall. A. Costello seconded the motion. All were in favor.

R. Lowell made a motion to adjourn.  K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:14 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2009.

October 7, 2009 Minutes approved on November 4, 2009.

Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary